Last day. We had to check out and point the car north, so we made the rather huge effort to get up at the crack of eight and get in our biking clothes. The restaurant wasn't even open for breakfast until 9 - I love spain. It was cool and crisp but the sky was blue as can be and as we pedaled up the road climb, the splendor of waking up and getting on the bike before noon became increasingly apparent.

Today's trail was absurdly titled "el moabo", because the british authors of the book thought that anywhere with some slickrock bits must be just like moab, utah. Well, it wasn't moab but it was, for me, the best trail of the week. If it had been 3-4 times at long it would be world class. But as it was, dodging in and out of trees, little drops, steep sections, and, yes, nice patches of slick was dreamy.

I think if you stayed in el chorro for a week and rode this trail a few times, learning all the corners and lines, it would be a whole bowl of fun.

A deceivingly long and steep road climb then took us up to the top of a mountain where, surprise, there was a huge concrete resevoir. Must have been quite a job putting that in.

But the views were stunning, the weather was clear as a bell and it was well worth the climb. On top of all that we got the longest descent of the week, starting out flowy in the trees, but after a few switchbacks turning to steep, loose, and very rocky. Right down the face of the mountain. This is what seat post quick releases were made for. Unfortunately Peter did not have one of these, but he made it down ok. For me, it was nice to get a long, fast descent in before heading back to the flat lands.

Which is what we did next. 24 hours later we were in snowy Belgium. Doh! But the trails of southern spain have only offered a glimpse of their secret treasure. I'm sure I'll be back. Possibly soon if this weather continues.